Payments with zenbank are always quick and convenient
Payments with zenbank are always quick and convenient
when sending to other Zenbank accounts you can send any currency instantly, free of charge!
Transfer funds securely from your bank account to any debit or credit card worldwide. Use our payment links to send money directly to any card, should arrive within 5 seconds
Make international money transfers with no extra fees or markups. Save significantly compared to traditional banks!
Send with a simple, convenient link. Create in seconds, share, and make transfer in a flash. The potential is endless
With Zenbank QR, you can pay conveniently using just your phone. Simply scan a QR code from the Zenbank app camera or import one from your phone gallery. This allows you to spend directly from your Zenbank account balance, just like using the Zenbank card
Never miss a payment again, recurring payments allow you to free up precious time while making sure you keep up with your payments.